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Patient triage at emergency departments (EDs) is necessary to prioritize care for patients with critical and time-sensitive conditions. Different tools are used for patient triage and one of the most common ones is the emergency severity index (ESI), which has a scale of five levels, where level 1 is the most urgent and level 5 is the least urgent. This paper proposes a framework for utilizing machine learning to develop an e-triage tool that can be used at EDs. A large retrospective dataset of ED patient visits is obtained from the electronic health record of a healthcare provider in the Midwest of the US for three years. However, the main challenge of using machine learning algorithms is that most of them have many parameters and without optimizing these parameters, developing a high-performance model is not possible. This paper proposes an approach to optimize the hyperparameters of machine learning. The metaheuristic optimization algorithms simulated annealing (SA) and adaptive simulated annealing (ASA) are proposed to optimize the parameters of extreme gradient boosting (XGB) and categorical boosting (CaB). The newly proposed algorithms are SA-XGB, ASA-XGB, SA-CaB, ASA-CaB. Grid search (GS), which is a traditional approach used for machine learning fine-tunning is also used to fine-tune the parameters of XGB and CaB, which are named GS-XGB and GS-CaB. The six algorithms are trained and tested using eight data groups obtained from the feature selection phase. The results show ASA-CaB outperformed all the proposed algorithms with accuracy, precision, recall, and f1 of 83.3%, 83.2%, 83.3%, 83.2%, respectively.
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The issue of left before treatment complete (LBTC) patients is common in emergency departments (EDs). This issue represents a medico-legal risk and may cause a revenue loss. Thus, understanding the factors that cause patients to leave before treatment is complete is vital to mitigate and potentially eliminate these adverse effects. This paper proposes a framework for studying the factors that affect LBTC outcomes in EDs. The framework integrates machine learning, metaheuristic optimization, and model interpretation techniques. Metaheuristic optimization is used for hyperparameter optimization--one of the main challenges of machine learning model development. Three metaheuristic optimization algorithms are employed for optimizing the parameters of extreme gradient boosting (XGB), which are simulated annealing (SA), adaptive simulated annealing (ASA), and adaptive tabu simulated annealing (ATSA). The optimized XGB models are used to predict the LBTC outcomes for the patients under treatment in ED. The designed algorithms are trained and tested using four data groups resulting from the feature selection phase. The model with the best predictive performance is interpreted using SHaply Additive exPlanations (SHAP) method. The findings show that ATSA-XGB outperformed other mode configurations with an accuracy, area under the curve (AUC), sensitivity, specificity, and F1-score of 86.61%, 87.50%, 85.71%, 87.51%, and 86.60%, respectively. The degree and the direction of effects of each feature were determined and explained using the SHAP method.
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With the growth of residential rooftop PV adoption in recent decades, the problem of 1 effective layout design has become increasingly important in recent years. Although a number 2 of automated methods have been introduced, these tend to rely on simplifying assumptions and 3 heuristics to improve computational tractability. We demonstrate a fully automated layout design 4 pipeline that attempts to solve a more general formulation with greater geometric flexibility that 5 accounts for shading losses. Our approach generates rooftop areas from satellite imagery and uses 6 MINLP optimization to select panel positions, azimuth angles and tilt angles on an individual basis 7 rather than imposing any predefined layouts. Our results demonstrate that although several common 8 heuristics are often effective, they may not be universally suitable due to complications resulting 9 from geometric restrictions and shading losses. Finally, we evaluate a few specific heuristics from the 10 literature and propose a potential new rule of thumb that may help improve rooftop solar energy 11 potential when shading effects are considered.
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Although recent deep learning-based calibration methods can predict extrinsic and intrinsic camera parameters from a single image, their generalization remains limited by the number and distribution of training data samples. The huge computational and space requirement prevents convolutional neural networks (CNNs) from being implemented in resource-constrained environments. This challenge motivated us to learn a CNN gradually, by training new data while maintaining performance on previously learned data. Our approach builds upon a CNN architecture to automatically estimate camera parameters (focal length, pitch, and roll) using different incremental learning strategies to preserve knowledge when updating the network for new data distributions. Precisely, we adapt four common incremental learning, namely: LwF , iCaRL, LU CIR, and BiC by modifying their loss functions to our regression problem. We evaluate on two datasets containing 299008 indoor and outdoor images. Experiment results were significant and indicated which method was better for the camera calibration estimation.
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使用变压器模型,多语言神经机器的翻译一直显示出巨大的成功。部署这些模型是具有挑战性的,因为它们通常需要各种语言的大词汇(词汇)尺寸。这限制了在上一个词汇投影层中预测输出令牌的速度。为了减轻这些挑战,本文提出了一种通过聚类的快速词汇投影方法,该方法可用于GPU上的多语言变压器。首先,我们脱机将词汇搜索空间分为不同的结合群,鉴于解码器输出的隐藏上下文向量,这导致词汇投影的词汇列要小得多。其次,在推理时,提出的方法预测了词汇投影中隐藏上下文向量的簇和候选候选代币。本文还包括对在多语言环境中构建这些群集的不同方式的分析。我们的结果表明,FLOAT16 GPU推断中的端到端速度增长高达25%,同时保持BLEU得分并略有增加记忆成本。所提出的方法将词汇投影步骤加速自身最多2.6倍。我们还进行了广泛的人类评估,以验证所提出的方法保留了原始模型的翻译质量。
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协作过滤(CF)是推荐系统的重要方法,广泛应用于我们生命中的大量方面,在线的商业系统。 CF中的一个流行算法是K到最近邻居(KNN)算法,其中使用相似度测量来确定用户的最近邻居,从而量化相对用户/项目对之间的依赖程度。因此,CF方法不仅对相似性度量敏感,但它完全取决于对该措施的选择。虽然Jaccard - 作为CF任务的常用相似度措施之一 - 涉及评级的存在,余弦和皮尔逊等其他数值措施涉及评级的程度。特别说话,Jaccard不是一个主导的措施,但很长时间被证明是改善任何措施的重要因素。因此,在我们不断努力寻找最有效的CF相似性措施,本研究侧重于通过将Jaccard与多种数值措施相结合提出新的相似性度量。综合措施将采取存在和幅度的优点。电影镜头数据集的实验结果表明,综合措施是卓越的表现优于考虑的评估指标的所有单一措施。
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